Job Announcements
As a service to our young participants and young researchers worldwide, we will post here any job opening announcements sent to us which are in the areas of high energy physics and cosmology.
- 211111: Tenure track, theory, Perimeter Inst
- 211028: Marie Curie Fellowships, lattice, Cyprus Inst
- 211024: Postdoc, theory, U Freiburg
- 211021: Postdocs, theory, T U Munich
- 211021: Postdoc, QFT and cosmology, ITP, Karlsruhe Inst Tech
- 211021: Postdocs (6yr positions), theory and pheno, U Wien
- 210904: University Assistant positions, U Vienna
- 210626: Lectureship+Postdocs, theoretical particle+cosmology, King's College
- 210625: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Theoretical Phys Dept at CERN
- 210602: Postodoc and Ph.D. positions, patrticle physics, INP, Krakow
- 210514: Ph.D. positions, U Torino
- 210323: Assistant or Associate Professor, High Energy Theory, U Crete
- 210323: Ph.D. Positions, Mainz Physics Academy
- 210312: Staff Position, Nikhef
- 210306: Ph.D. Positions, theory, Okinawa Inst of Science and Tech
- 210302: Ph.D. Positions, phenomenology, U Autónoma de Madrid
- 201223: Postdoc, HEP, U Sussex
- 201217: Lecturer/Reader/5-yr fellowships/Ph.D. fellowships, theoretical physics, U Edinbourgh
- 201216: Postdoc, particle theory, cosmology, U Warsaw
- 201211: Researcher, tenure track, High Energy Experiment, Demokritos
- 201207: Postdoc and Ph.D. position, computational materials, Trinity College
- 201204: Ph.D. positions, theoretical physics, Humboldt U
- 201204: Postdoc, BSM physics, ITP, U Warsaw
- 201201: Postdoc, lattice, ITP, ETH Zürich
- 201130: Postdoc, lattice, quantum computations, QuLAT
- 201130: Tenure track, Theoretical Cosmology, Stony Brook U
- 201116: Postdoc and Ph.D. Positions, ORIGINS
- 201110: Postdoc, Qubits and Spacetime Unit, Okinawa IST
- 201110: Postdocs, pheno, U Oxford
- 201106: Postdocs, theory, pheno, cosmo, lattice, CTP, MIT
- 201103: Group Leader, Numerics & IT, MPI Munich